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If you were Beckham, would you help your relatives when they are down and out?

Afy 2018-07-26 02:00:37 评论

If you were Beckham, would you help your relatives when they are down and out?


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Experts of last DAILY TOPIC: Why do many talented young players fail to achieve the desired accomplishments?


Actually there are many reasons which includes:

1. Too much expectations from their respective clubs. For example; Anthony Martial for him the club has expected more from him meanwhile conditions don't favour him.

2. Long term injuries. For example, Neymar would have proved better in the early days in PSG but there came a long term injury likewise Dembele too could perform in the early days in Barcelona but long term injury was a setback. 

3. Unnecessary comparison from media and fans. For example, Neymar was a victim but he's still good....in the case that he was compared to Robinho, Ronaldinho and others because of his form for his national side. Recently Malcom (my love) has been described to a combination of Neymar and Willian though he's good but this weight is too heavy that might pull him down. 

4. Sometimes the behaviour and decisions of the players. For example, Mario Balotelli was rude and stubborn during his stay in Manchester City and Liverpool. Also Neymar, would still be far better assuming he stayed at Barcelona because he already made his name to the world being part of the magical MSN and also winning trophies and get on board for the shortlist for Ballon d'or.

5. Media concentration on them. For example, Neymar like this has been criticized several times by the Brasilian media likewise Mario Balotelli and others


Most of them become unnecessarily rash and unfocused, putting their interests in other things instead. Messi always kept a cool head even when he achieved recognition as best ever. Same like Ronaldo who though a little bit problematic at his young years never wavered from his gym and extreme workouts because he had a dream to pursue. 

These days when most of our young kids are praised they simply grow mad and forget recognition means efforts should be doubled and they end up like garbage.




