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What would you choose as a gift to your favourite player on behalf of your country?

Afy 2018-06-11 02:00:43 评论

We often use gifts to express our minds,while gifts vary according to different countries and cultures. So AFers, if you are choosing a gifts which can represent your country best for your favourite football player, what will you choose?

Leave your question and answer in comments area.


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Experts of last DAILY TOPIC: What are the main mistakes amateur soccer players make but professional players avoid? Now it's time to show off!

@Iyce: Prolonged holding of the ball and not knowing when to pass or release the ball.


1. Awkward Positioning: Amateurs plays any position in soccer, no specific striker, wingers or midfielders, just chasing after a round objects not minding where they are. But, professionals plays a position they're good at and pays specific attentions to these details to avoid being caught off-guard in his role.

2. Foul Throw-in: Professionals take throwing in a particular way unlike amateurs who just throw the ball any how. 

3. No Offside rule applies in amateurs, it's just playing to score but, pros do pay attention to this rule.

4. In amateur games, the acting ref usually do get confronted, insulted and in some cases, assaulted for controversial decision and no one cares; professionals due try hard to skip this unnecessary confrontations to avoid lengthy match bans from football governing body.


1. Control with weaker foot and pass with stronger ( when not under pressure) why? Controls and creates space.

2. Observe options before receiving the the ball (see Toni Cross).

3. Pass and move (kiss Keep it So simple)




