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What is the most unforgettable sentence that some players and coaches said?

Afy 2018-05-13 02:00:31 评论

Hi, AFers. There are many unforgettable moments in our lives and there are also many unforgettable words. Maybe it's a three-words sentence from your first love. Maybe it's a call from your childhood's memory. Tell us the most unforgettable sentence that some players and coaches said


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Experts of last topicWhat's the feeling of having friend or family supporting your rival team?

@Daniel_Illa: My best friend is Arsenal fan, while me am Manchester United fan, He support Barcelona at Laliga, while I support Real Madrid and he is Messi's fan while am Ronaldo's fan. That's what makes football interesting different in diversity and not uniformity. we all sees football from a different perspective, we argued sometimes but healthy argument and we don't fight, we love watching ball together. Actually what makes football interesting is the competition, the opposing fans, football will have been boring without friends and family who are opposing your club.

@riwnops: We are four cousins, two of us real madrid fans, one man united gan & one barca fan. We always support each others opponents, but during el classico our parents don't allow us to watch the game in a single room. @real_madrid love you halaaa Madrid. But above all, we have a lot of fun and a great time.

@Nonstain: Football is about fun and entertainment but some fans take it too far that they want to kill each other for it. My wife is a fan of Arsenal fc, I don't know how she fall love with Arsenal but am Barcelona fan and it fun to see my wife reactions Everytime Arsenal start losing. Football is just a Game of losing and winning, let's not hate each other!!!!




