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AF Troll Comment: Pogba and Bakayoko are in saloon to dye hair instead of in PFA TOTY

Afy 2018-04-18 23:00:39 评论

Hey guys! Welcome to 'AF Troll Comment'. Here, we select some interesting comments and funny pictures from our All Football users. If you want to see yours here next time, don't forget to leave your comments in any news.

Article 1:  Celta 2-2 Barcelona: 10-man leaders hang on to unbeaten record before Copa del Rey final

@Kuncors: Barcelona's unbeaten run in la liga continues

@M-Yusuf: Another day, another robbery..

Uefalona, huh??

Article 2: Champions Man City dominate PFA Team of the Year while Salah & Kane included

@klenamwacc: where is pogba and bakayoko ?? I can't find them among the players or they went to the saloon to dye their hair

@prashantttiwarijr10: west ham united finally brought Premier league cup for city .???????

Article 3:  Dortmund will reportedly try and sign Batshuayi but Chelsea set to demand £50m

@Amlaniishaan4: When another Chelsea reject performs well in another team

Article 4:  Brighton 1-1 Tottenham: Spurs miss chance to strengthen top-four claim

@raheem_CFC: the duck from Tottenham logo has quit

@Brighton should appeal for an own goal, should not be scored by Kane.....


Article 5:  How Real Madrid have been hurt by robbery accusations?

@Pablo007: Madrid stopped signing players long ago, they sign referees now. Smart move ?. Other teams should just learn and shut up. Imagine if PSG spent the 198m of Neymar on referees.....??


@mrmerit7:I'm so confuse how ''Biggest club in the world'' didn't progress (against a team they once referred to as, "easy" when that team with Salah by then, were paired against Madrid some years back) even though they've got goat, pigs, pigeons, chickens, ducks, etc.

I don't get it even more when barkans(Barcelona fans) these days cry so louder than the bereaved(Juventus).

Please barkans, kindly watch our 13th pending title and wait patiently for next season; crying won't help you.

Hala Madrid!!!!

Article 6:  Which round do you think Barcelona will win the La Liga title?


The question I asked you yesterday was: What smell brings back great memories?

@estera: Oh ,the smell of Spring fresh grass ! Oh ,when I was just a little girl ,I spent so much time on fresh grass playing football barefoot with other Kids,the most beautiful memories from my childhood! Priceless!

@CHUKSDEMC: the smell of Champions League brings a great memory for me as Chelsea fan with that night in Munich. It was a great feeling

@CityMan: The smell of movie theatre popcorn brings me back to my childhood. I never go to the movies anymore!

Today's question is: Is there any book you just can't finish no matter how hard you try and why?

Have a nice day!




