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Daily Comments: Money well spent....who want to argue?

Afy 2024-03-30 16:00:29 评论

Hey guys! Welcome to 'Daily Comments', where the BEST comments are posted! Here, we select the most popular comments from our All Football users. If you want to see yours here next time, don't forget to leave your comments in any news.

Article 1: Second source confirms Neymar Junior desire to return to Barcelona


There is great chance for neymar to buy Barca than barca to buy neymar

Article 2: Real Madrid to tie down 25-year-old starter to new deal in rapid fashion


Very nice deal. He deserves new contract. He is far better than kepa


To all Madrid fans questioning why Ancelloti bought in kepa, was simply to get the beast out of lunin and you all can see for yourself how it worked out 💯 Don Carlo🧠


Article 3: Jack Grealish heaps praise on two Arsenal players


Money well spent....who want to argue?

Article 4: Mikel Arteta facing transfer dilemma with decision on red-hot loan star


In one picture you see the reason Pep and Klopp running away from the EPL....

Article 5: Roy Keane tells Gary Neville 'you're getting kidded'


Man City 3-1 Arsenal!!!

Article 6: Man City will be OUT of the title race if they lose to Arsenal


What if Liverpool lose to Brighton???




