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Daily Comments: Neymar's father & Ronaldo's sister competing for nagging d'Or

Afy 2021-02-13 16:40:54 评论

Hey guys! Welcome to 'Daily Comments', where the BEST comments are posted! Here, we select the most popular comments from our All Football users. If you want to see yours here next time, don't forget to leave your comments in any news.

Article 1: Neymar's father to the Caen coach: My son has to cry because of coaches like you


Neymar's father and Ronaldo's sister competing for nagging d'Or


Barcelona to Atalanta be like hazard and Neymar don't like champions League


Neymar just loves injury before march 11


Neymar's father himself should come and replace him. Why he always speak wacky 😂

Article 2: Juventus and AC Milan 'keep tabs on Ziyech as they eye shock summer loan move'


Even Chelsea is shocked😂


ronaldo and Ziyech will be like Ozil and Ronaldo

Article 3: Gundogan wins Premier League Player of the Month for January


More to come, this only the beginning


we are too good.. proudly city💪... Manchester city fans are now the proudest in the World....City are making them proud


This is the only award a Liverpool player can win


Manchester City is a city .....in England 😃😃😃


Bruno Fernandes be like: Title Contenders trashed away, PoM at risky Life in England can be sweet and bitter at the same time

Article 4: PSG ready Keylor Navas and Mbappe for the Camp Nou


seem like Busquets has found a way to stop Mbappe !😂


navas should be ready fr another magical Messi 👑

Article 5: Guardiola named Premier League Manager of the Month for January


Arteta waiting to win Premier League Manager of the Month


best excusers of the month




