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Daily Comments: Barca stars miss dinner as they ate(8) - (2)much against Bayern

Afy 2020-08-15 14:55:43 评论

Hey guys! Welcome to 'Daily Comments', where the BEST comments are posted! Here, we select the most popular comments from our All Football users. If you want to see yours here next time, don't forget to leave your comments in any news.

Article 1: Barcelona 2-8 Bayern: Lewy, Coutinho & co humiliate Catalans to reach semifinals

@AkeebAyodeji1: After humiliating Tottenham 10-3 and Chelsea 7-1, Bayern Munich saw blue and red jersey and thought its Crystal Palace from London 😂😂

@EAsoft: Breaking: London has started the construction of Camp nou, after observing the situation

@issymoharez: city and Lyon you face Bayern

@WaleedRai: Barcelona vs Bayern Munich game is literally the club version of Brazil 1-7 Germany.

@sufyrumu: 'B' for Brazil

'B' for Barcelona

Both teams lost a 6 goal margin to Germany and a German team.😂

@Ronaldo7Messi10Goats: After this game Barcelona refused to eat since they eat(8) - (2)much against Bayern😂😂😂

Article 2: Philippe Coutinho compounds Barcelona humiliation after he scores twice for Bayern Munich

@Faisal60: barca spend 500 million on neymar replacement, in which 2 were on the bench and 1 was in opposition team scoring 2 goal. wow amazing barca board 😂😂

@luzcdeins: For sure Lewandowski was not happy, after playing for 90 minutes he scored a goal with the help of Coutinho who came out to score 2 goals in 15 minutes

@biaabipt: Just so u know ? Flick was assistant coach of Germany 😂

@Addie1784: Barca treated him bad and we got what we deserved

Article 3: Setien: Now Barcelona have to draw conclusions and make decisions

@FootballChief: Barca fans complained about Valverde who could win matches sleeping

@GeorgeLamptey: The person who sent Crystal Palace to Portugal saying it's Barca may God punish him.

@Gaffer123: Why nobody is talking about changing this man called bartomeu

@MarioOiram: Barca must be thanking Covid19, they only had to face this rampant Bayern in only one leg. Wow!

Article 4: OFFICIAL: Willian joins Arsenal on a free transfer after Chelsea exit

@easymind: If you can't beat them, join em.

@ronnie_luv: i read the news as...."Willian and David Luiz reunite"😎🔥🔥

@JamesWalker: Arteta to Willian :- To be a Gunner, first of All, Select your Gun.🔫🔥

Article 5: Mauricio Pochettino 'is Barcelona's main target to replace Quique Setien'

@DeadlyCarrot: bartomeu is replacing setien because pochettino conceded 7 against Bayern and setien conceded 8?

@AnkitDhakal: with this squad , even the combination of pochetino , Ancheloti , mourinho , guardiola and klopp wouldn't have prevent Bayern from 8ing Barca...Problm is in squad..change it first..

@WASSCE 2020

Mathematics question.

1)Assuming Chelsea got 7:1 in 180 mins and Barcelona got 8:2 in 90 minutes.

Calculating using a Pythagoras theorem what would Barcelona have gotten in 180 minutes.

100 marks.

Start work.

Good luck




