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Ireland extends coronavirus restrictions until May 5

HollowPoett 2020-04-11 00:50:26 评论

The restrictions imposed to stop the spread of coronavirus in Ireland will be extended until May 5, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced at a briefing on Friday. 

"All we can do for now is to take one day at a time to think of others. To choose hope and solidarity over self interest and fear. Your decisions will save lives. What may be inconvenient for some will be life saving for others. So I am calling on everyone to do what is asked for them to be tolerant and compassionate, think about others before ourselves." Varadkar said.

Under the new rules, people can go out only to "shop for food or household goods, to attend medical appointments and collect medicines, vital family reasons such as providing care to children and the elderly, to take brief individual physical exercise, for farming purposes and food production," Varadkar announced.

Prime Minister said all visits to hospitals and prisons have stopped and public transport is limited to “essential workers and people providing essential services." 

Public and private gatherings among people outside of the same household are also banned.




