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'He's a poor guy but we can't stop trolling him' - AFers on unlucky Neymar

Afy 2019-06-07 19:43:53 评论

Rape allegation, ligament rupture - our poor boy Neymar is really unlucky recently. While the Brazilian star's news makes headlines every day, AFers' trolling comments make the Top 10 as well.

2018/19 season seems really disappointing for Neymar as @Thonkim makes this summary:

What the hell Neymar is playing with: transfer, rumours, ban, fake injury, hairstyles, return to FCB, shadow. When will he play football?

While being forgotten in the pitch, Neymar is witnessed by @Capmancity for another suffering - being forgotten on the Internet.

Looks like even Google has forgotten Neymar's face.

Then he was back to the headline with an unexpected reason - rape allegation.

Whatsapp messages, videos... Neymar tried the best to prove his innocence while AFers' trolling comes on time:

@UP_287: This is the first time I've seen that Neymar did not dive after the attack.

@hibbrtyz: VAR saved Neymar.

When we think Neymar's suffering comes to an end, the injury comes again...

As @Nutadenst said: That(against the girl) was amazing defence from Neymar(without getting himself injured).

Anyway, thanks for Neymar for offering AFers so many Top 10 Comments and wish him a speedy recovery and good luck.

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